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05/11/19 09:56 AM #111    

Nancy Mansheim (Formella)







When we find ourselves in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to us! Thanks, Mary! And give that wonderful mom of yours a big hug from Dorothy (little sister) and me tomorrow!!


For those of you who still have your mom on earth, be sure you honor her tomorrow! A brief phone call so she can hear your sweet vice is indeed, honoring her. To all the moms out there, Happy Mothers' Day! Enjoy!


Since I am clueless about "the family" was there a mother figure? Sorry to be so out of it, John Reed, but I suppose you just passed up the opportunity in HS to enlighten me. No worries- it all sounds terrifying. 

Happy weekend to everyone! Dick...spend that big $20 wisely! :)



05/12/19 09:14 AM #112    

Paul Zoellner

Hey Ron,  be careful in going after Dick, don’t forget he has owned a Judge or two.



05/12/19 11:12 AM #113    

John Petruccelli

I don't think that Dick could own a Judge or two based on him having to get on a payment plan with Kootch.  Unless you might be talking about Pontiac's, in which case he would have to be getting them out of the junk yard to be "owning a Judge or two".

Happy Mother's Day to ALL our mother classmates.

Hope to be seeing everyone at the 50th!

05/13/19 12:49 PM #114    

Richard Gagermeier

OK  to get the GTO question Back in the a 1967, 2-69 matching convertibles, 1970 gto conv. and a 1970 GTO JUDGE  white/ blue. Gee if a guy had those now. Oh and 1 retired Judge for my defense should we end up in court or the neighborhood drinking establishment, my preference would be the later..


05/13/19 01:47 PM #115    

Rose Servais (Tydrich)

Hi Dick, Inorder to pick up your winnings you need to show up at the next reunion meeting.  Also if any other parties that have been responding to the authenticity of Kootch's drawing,  you are welcome to attend at "Fayze's on May 22nd at 5:30pm". I believe I may need wistness to confirm that I delivered the infamous $20.  See you all soon!

05/13/19 02:40 PM #116    

Ronald Fitzpatrick

To Paul, Dick and John if you guys are referring to the make and model of cars I plead total ignorance. The only car I could identify is my brother, Kennys, Pink Rambler. I will do my best to attend May 22 meeting, Rose.

05/13/19 04:57 PM #117    


Paul Pierce

1969 Pontiac GTO Judge

05/14/19 09:04 AM #118    

Susie Pearse (Keller)

Paul, Now this is one awesome car. One of my friends showed up at my office yesterday with his 1974 Corvette. Our running joke is if he dies and still has the car he told his brother to give the car to me. Absolute mint. He bought it new. Should have snapped a picture & if he comes back today I will get a picture. Beautiful machine. Told my husband his 1986 Toyota truck will have to go because the 3rd car garage is just waiting for such a lovely piece of metal!! LOL.


05/14/19 03:13 PM #119    

Ronald Fitzpatrick

I'm going to shift the topic. Greg Pederson is an Engineer, although I think he's retired. I'd like him to explain what in the hell the design engineers who created the New Cass street fiasco were thinking when they extended the sidewalks halfway into the street. Knowing how astute Greg is I'm sure he had nothing to do with it. But he might know what those people were smoking when they came up with this new design. Maybe we can get some of that stuff for the Reunion.

05/14/19 07:31 PM #120    

John Petruccelli

Fitz, you shouild know that when it comes to spending our tax dollars the government depatrments have to spend ALL their $$$ so they don't get shorted in next year's budget.  SOOOO, "let's see how we can do that" and common sense be damned. 

When it comes to the hwy dept's down here we scratch our heads trying to figure out why they start a project that's going to be inadequate when it's done OR have the same company start working on several new projects when they can't finish the current project on time.

I love our country but I fear our governement.  Politcians have a special place in hell as far as I'm concerned.  But I drift from your last question to Greg.....

05/15/19 10:39 AM #121    

Susie Pearse (Keller)

We were in La Crosse a few weeks ago. Kenny and I laughed as we headed down Cass St. to La Chateau. Missed the old Cy's Bakery for sure although it has probably been gone for years. Madison is toally into "round-abouts". Kenny lived in the Netherlands for several years & they too were totally into them. It has now taken Madison almost 10 years to get the hang of building them correctly & drivers are still learning the fine technique of entering and existing them. The amount of accidents is beyond funny (except for the insurance companies) and watching pedestrians trying cross is certainly a miricle at best. So, then our Village Idiots - I mean the Village Board decided to add "3" of them all looped together entering the village off Hwy 14 and on the other side of the village there are 2 of them back to back again off Hwy 14. Brilliant!! Even more fun is watching all the people on bikes trying to access these obstacles. And they call themselves engineers. Seriously. Madison's biggest issue is the design makes plowing a disaster and garbage trucks have to stop and back up on a few of them to make the circle - now that's what I call living!! Just like people who design hospitals never worked in one or they would know storage for patients supplies works far better when located in a central location and not at the far end of a hallway a 1/2 block down the corridor. And I truly thought our generation would move things into a better world. Need to sit down with a cold one & ponder what we could have done. Was it the weed of the 1970's that did this to the thought process of some of these very smart, educated people?? Thankful it isn't everyone from the 1950's!

05/17/19 10:25 AM #122    

Gregory Pederson

You are correct Fitz, I am/was a civil engineer. I’ve been retired for several years. Please forgive the lack of timeliness in response, it took me a couple days to finish a “Sudoku “. I do not know who the players were on the Cass Street fiasco. I do know that the City is committed to following a “complete streets” policy when roadways are upgraded. This policy attempts to look at traffic, pedestrian, bicycle and safety needs for each project under consideration. Additionally, street maintenance (snow plowing, etc.), municipal transit, and emergency response considerations (Fire,EMT, Police, etc.) should be factored into the decision making. The sidewalk bump out at corners is a pedestrian crossing safety consideration. However, there appears to have been a collective “oops “ regarding bicycles lanes, snow plowing and large vehicles turning movements at the corners. I am happy to say that I had NO involvement in this project!

05/18/19 10:30 AM #123    

John Petruccelli

Hey Greg, we all know that if you had been involved in this project the "Oops" factor wouldn't have come in to play and that's because you are from the "common sense" generation.  Also, because you graduated from Aquinas High School in La Crosse, WI. not the one in Miami, FL. area.  Remember, there is no "a Florida man" scenerio involved there.

08/15/21 09:56 AM #124    

Dennis Boland

Many thanks to the reunion committee for a wonderful weekend of gatherings.  It was wonderful reconnecting!
Ann and Dennis Boland

08/16/21 01:07 PM #125    

Nancy Sorenson (Johnson)

The reunion was so much fun.  Many thanks to all who helped set it up.  It was so great to connect with friends and share memories.

Nancy Sorenson Johnson

08/16/21 03:59 PM #126    

John Reed

Sara and I had terrific time. It was really fun getting to catch up as well as meet new partners. The reunion committee should have been carried out of Piggy's on our backs but for the inevitable hernias and chiro visits! We certainly look forward to next year's Moon Tunes happening at Riverside. Thanks to all who helped and attended! 

08/17/21 08:29 AM #127    

Mary Haag (Shepardson)

Tim and I enjoyed the all the reunion activities.  It's been such a long time since I've seen anyone!  I'm so happy I came.  The slideshow was awesome!  Thank you to everyone who was involved in the planning.  

08/17/21 08:34 AM #128    

John Petruccelli

What a great time reconnecting with everyone at all the weekend activities. Many thanks to the reunion committee for all the planning and work that they did. Janie & I are looking forward to next year's Moon Tunes. I would suggest having it on the "Woodstock" evening  giving us a wider varity of music.

Thanks again to everyone who attended and planned the reunion.

Petro & Jane

08/17/21 11:39 AM #129    

Dennis Siebenaler


I'm so glad I attended the Saturday evening event at Piggy's and that folks still remembered me after all these years.  The reunion committee is certainly to be congratulated, and a special shout out to Paul Pierce for maintaining this website and the communication stream, and to Dan Marcou for the amazing slide show.  It brought back so many memories.

Until next time,

Dennis Siebenaler


08/29/21 01:50 PM #130    

Mary Petry (Slusser)

Hello and thank you to everyone on the Planning Committee for the great 50th Class Reunion!

I have a hard time saying "50th Class Reunion", as it feels like such a short time ago that we walked down the halls of Aquinas!

It sounds l missed an eventul evening at Moon Tunes, but I hope to attend next year's event. Friday evening at Big Al's was so much fun catching up with people from my past! Some I recognized and some I did not...I was hoping to see everyone looking the same as in 1971! It was fun sharing stories with Nancy Geier, who reminded me that we were ALWAYS the last two people in line for First Communion, Confirmation, and Graduation, as we were the tallest girls in our class!

Saturday evening was just as fun, meeting more new faces, and remincing how we ever fit into our gym uniform, which either Mary Sauer or Rose Service had on display. I also enjoyed speaking to John Petrucelli, as we always had a locker next to each other - always...Petry and Petrucelli! I guess that is how they did things back then.

Until next time, thanks for the memories!

Mary Petry Slusser

08/30/21 11:11 AM #131    

Ronald Fitzpatrick

A Big Thank You to everyone involved in setting up the 50th Reunion. I'm sorry I missed Thursday and Friday nights get togethers. Unfortunately my Wife,Patty, had emergency Gall Bladder surgery that Thursday.. She's doing better each day.. I missed my chance to make fun of so many people and of course being reminded of my Humility. Saturday Golf was Great as was Saturday night at Piggys. Looking forward to our 100th year Reunion, which I will personally set up.. Everybody stay in touch and stay safe. Fitzy Out.

08/31/21 11:55 AM #132    

Margaret Palmer (Klieforth)

Thank you to all of the Reunion Committee  for the planning and excellent communication of the 50th reunion.  I am so sorry that I was unable to atttend due my husband's health but am SOOOOOO appreciative of the time Rose and Mary took in FaceTiming with me.  I enjoyed being able to see and talk with some of you and hope to see you at Moon Tunes next year.  PLEASE...everyone stay safe and well!

Peg (Palmer) Klieforth


03/19/23 07:09 PM #133    

Mary Kokott

It's so nice reading about all the fun things you all do, but I never find out about anything until it's over.

03/20/23 08:01 AM #134    

Rose Servais (Tydrich)

Hi Mary, The committee uses the web site to reach out to classmates as postage is beyond what we can budget for. Do you have it setup so you get alerts when someone posts on the site. I would reach out to Paul Pierce for help on that. Hopefully we will be planning an event at Moontunes this summer to celebrate turning 70. So stay tuned! Take care hope all is well. 



07/30/24 02:24 PM #135    

Donald Welch

Happy Summer classmates. I was wondering if anyone else noticed that this was our Golden class year when the class of '71 is turning 71. 
I was asked to share a poem I wrote last year as an ode to our 70's. Here it is:

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